SKA was retained by a publicly traded real estate investment trust to assess environmentally impacted soil and groundwater resulting from historic on-site dry cleaning operations (1970s through 1990s). The site was enrolled into the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP).
Site investigations conducted by SKA included the installation and sampling of 17 soil borings and 18 permanent groundwater monitoring wells completed in the three uppermost groundwater-bearing units (GWBUs) beneath the site. Investigation results identified dry cleaner solvent constituent concentrations in soils along the sanitary sewer line and lint trap and a dissolved-phase groundwater plume in the two uppermost GWBUs.
SKA proposed a monitored natural attenuation remedy and has evaluated primary lines of evidence, including historic groundwater data to document stable concentrations of contaminants of concern, combined with secondary lines of evidence to demonstrate that natural attenuation was occurring in the two uppermost GWBUs. Currently, SKA is developing a Plume Management Zone remedy supported by monitored natural attenuation data to document a stable plume and declining concentrations.